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gingivitis the start of gum disease

Gingivitis. Gum disease. You’ve probably heard of these terms inside a dental office or in a TV commercial for dental products. There are two forms of gum disease, and the most common of all is gingivitis, followed by a more severe type called periodontitis.

Gingivitis can occur due to the plaque build-up on your teeth that has developed over time. Plaque is a sticky substance composed of bacteria and may turn into hard deposits called tartar if not eliminated properly. The bacteria release toxins that inflame the gums. All these factors can cause the gums to become infected, swollen and inflamed.

How Gingivitis Impacts your Health

Some people may think that gum problems can be ignored since most of the time pain cannot be felt when you have this condition. What most people do not know is periodontal bacteria can actually get into your blood stream and make its room to your major organs, which causes even more problem. Research shows that failure to treat gingivitis may lead to the following situations:

  • Cause heart disease
  • Heightened risk for stroke
  • Pregnant women at risk of preterm, low birth babies
  • Worsen current health problems
  • Contribute to upcoming health conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, and respiratory disease

In addition, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, which is one form of gingivitis, advances quickly and triggers moderate to severe pain. This condition is also referred to as trench mouth and has the ability to damage the tissues. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis must be treated right away. Without treatment, this form of gingivitis can spread.


Here’s a simple tip to prevent gingivitis or any forms of gum disease. Proper oral hygiene is always advisable and constant; thus this is the first main step in inhibiting the threat of gum problems. Brush your teeth regularly, ideally in the morning and before bedtime, and use dental floss too at least once a day. See your dentist for professional dental cleaning every six months to once year so as to prevent plaque from turning into calculus and to eliminate any calculus that may have developed already.


Treatment for gingivitis involves comprehensive cleaning such as scaling, the process of removing the plaque including below the gum line. Your dentist or dental hygienist can teach you what are the most effective techniques of brushing and flossing. In addition, controlling original health conditions like diabetes can make gingivitis simpler to treat. Gingivitis is a reversible condition provided that the bacteria is removed effectively and regularly. However, once the gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, other treatments may be needed.

Remarkable Gum Care and Treatment in Gold Coast

Symptoms of gingivitis can improve and disappear in as a little as one week once a program of good dental care has been established. Your trusted Main Beach dentist here at Main Beach Dental aims to give you one of a kind oral health by offering a broad range of comprehensive dental treatments for the overall upholding of your oral health. If you believe you have gum disease symptoms, visit our dental team as soon as possible.

Claim your FREE Dental Consultation that includes: Dental Checkup, Smile Makeover, and Implant Dentistry. You are just one step away from having the smile you always wanted! Book online http://mainbeachdental.com.au or call us today on (07) 5503 1177.