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Tooth Loss And Dental Implants

by | Jun 27, 2014 | Dental Implants

tooth loss and dental implants

Tooth loss is a widespread problem that millions of people experience worldwide. Losing a tooth can be distressing due to ageing, accidents, or disease.

However, advancements in dental technology have provided a robust solution: dental implants.

Understanding Tooth Loss

Causes of Tooth Loss:

  1. Dental Decay and Cavities are among the leading causes of tooth loss. Teeth enamel is eroded by acids produced by oral bacteria, resulting in cavities. These cavities can lead to severe decay and eventual tooth loss if untreated.
  2. Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease): This is a severe gum infection that can kill the bone-supporting teeth and harm soft tissue. Periodontitis can also cause teeth to lose or fall out.
  3. Trauma or Injury: Teeth can be knocked out or irreparably damaged in accidents and injuries, such as sports injuries or falls.
  4. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer, can contribute to tooth loss. These conditions can weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to infections, including gum disease.
  5. Genetic Factors: Heredity can contribute to a predisposition to dental problems leading to tooth loss.

Consequences of Tooth Loss:

  • Aesthetic Impact: Missing teeth can affect the appearance of your smile and face, leading to self-consciousness and decreased confidence.
  • Functional Issues: Teeth play a crucial role in chewing and speaking. Speaking and consuming some meals may be challenging when a tooth is missing.
  • Bone Loss: The jawbone requires stimulation from teeth to maintain its density and form. When a tooth is lost, the bone in the jaw can deteriorate, leading to further dental issues and changes in facial structure.
  • Shifting Teeth: Misalignment and bite issues may result from adjacent teeth moving towards the space created by a lost tooth.

Dental Implants: A Solution to Tooth Loss

Dental implants are a cutting-edge remedy for tooth loss. They provide a permanent, natural-looking replacement that functions like a natural tooth. Here’s what you need to know about dental implants:

  1. What Are Dental Implants? Titanium artificial tooth roots are known as dental implants. They are surgically inserted into the mandible to create a strong denture, bridge, or replacement tooth (crown) base.
  2. The Implant Procedure: There are various steps in the dental implant process:
    • Consultation and Planning: A thorough examination, including X-rays and 3D imaging, helps the dentist plan the implant placement.
    • Implant Placement: The dentist surgically inserts the titanium implant into the jawbone. This procedure is typically done under local anaesthesia.
    • Osseointegration: Over several months, the implant fuses with the jawbone in osseointegration, creating a strong and stable base.
    • Abutment Placement: An abutment, or connection, is affixed to the top of the implant following its integration. This will hold the replacement tooth.
    • Crown Placement: Finally, a custom-made crown is attached to the abutment. The crown replicates the colour and natural tooth’s form to ensure a seamless appearance.
  3. Benefits of Dental Implants:
    • Natural Appearance: Dental implants mimic real teeth in both appearance and texture. They are explicitly crafted to match your current teeth, making them look natural.
    • Durability: Dental implants have an extended lifespan with proper maintenance. Unlike other tooth replacement options, they need not be replaced periodically.
    • Improved Functionality: Dental implants restore full chewing power, allowing you to eat your favourite food quickly. Unlike dentures, which can slip or cause mumbling, they also improve speech clarity.
    • Bone Health: Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure. This helps to avoid the sunken appearance that can result from missing teeth.
    • Convenience: Dental implants do not need the use of particular solutions or pastes required with dentures. However, they can be cared for like natural teeth by brushing and flossing them like all teeth.
    • Preservation of Adjacent Teeth: Unlike bridges, implants don’t need to compromise neighbouring good teeth. Your original teeth are kept intact as a result.

Caring for Dental Implants

Regular dental examination and good dental hygiene are critical to the lasting success of dental implants. Here are some essential care tips:

  1. Maintain Oral Hygiene: To keep the area surrounding your implants free of plaque and avoid infection, floss and brush your teeth at least two times daily.
  2. Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush: This helps to clean the implants gently without damaging the gums or the surface of the implants.
  3. Avoid Hard Foods: Be cautious of hard or sticky foods, as they could damage the implants or cause them to become loose.
  4. Regular Dental Check-ups: To guarantee the health of the surrounding tissues and implants, schedule routine examinations and cleanings with your dentist.
  5. Avoid Tobacco Products: Gum disease and implant failure can both be increased by smoking and other tobacco products.

Addressing Common Concerns

Pain and Discomfort

Some discomfort, including swelling and bruising, is normal after the implant procedure. Over-the-counter pain medicine can help manage this; your dentist may prescribe medicine if necessary.

Success Rates

The success rate of dental implants is high, typically between 95% and 98%. However, success can vary depending on the patient’s health, oral hygiene, and jawbone quality.

Cost Considerations

Dental implants can be more expensive than tooth replacement options like dentures or bridges.

However, their durability and long-term benefits often make them a cost-effective choice.

Implants are now usually covered in part by many dental insurance plans, and your dentist’s office may be able to help with financing.While common, tooth loss can profoundly affect a person’s life. Dental implants provide a dependable, long-lasting alternative that looks and feels like natural teeth for better oral health and overall quality of life. Anyone experiencing tooth loss should invest in implants because they can last a lifetime with the proper upkeep and care.

Dental Implants in Main Beach

At Main Beach Dental, we uphold a dental practice with integrity, comfort, and compassion, providing stellar service to ensure your satisfaction.

Call us at (07) 5503 1177 or schedule an online appointment to claim your FREE dental implant consultation today!

Visit us at 11/26-30 Tedder Ave in Main Beach.