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The Importance of Correcting your Overbite from Main Beach Dental

by | Oct 16, 2020 | Orthodontics

Overbites come in different forms.

However, one thing that overbites have in common is the ability to make a person self-conscious about his or her smile.

In severe cases, an overbite may even prove harmful to your health.

Untreated overbites may lead to the following dental problems:

  1. Bottom front teeth may harm the gums above the top front teeth
  2. Speech impediments
  3. May cause jaw problems
  4. Unattractive smile

Overbite Correction Treatments in Main Beach

Children and Teens

Removal of baby teeth – making room for permanent teeth to grow in straight

Growth modification device – helps to better position the jaw

Braces – gradually move the teeth to correct the overbite as well as the jaw

Retainers – used post-braces that help to keep the teeth in the proper place


Braces – move the teeth to fix the overbite

Teeth extraction – dentists try to avoid this but will do this in very severe overbite cases to give the teeth more freedom to move

Surgery – jaw problems for skeletal-type overbite cases can only be corrected with surgery for adults

Benefits of Overbite Treatments

  • Straighter teeth and better bite
  • More attractive smile & improved facial appearance
  • Healthier teeth and gums

To know more about overbites, visit your Main Beach dentist today here at Main Beach Dental.

We offer high-quality solutions to various factors that affect your smile and the aesthetics of your teeth.

Dental Care at Main Beach Dental

At Main Beach Dental, your dental health is our number one priority.

We are composed of highly trained registered dentists with impressive clinical skills who work together to provide you with comprehensive dental services.

We provide gentle, skilled care for all dental conditions and work with you to prevent disease, decay, and too many dental appointments in the future. Our commitment to our patients is dental health for a lifetime!

Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointment Available in Main Beach

Call us on (07) 5503 1177 or visit us at 11/26-30 Tedder Ave., Main Beach.